Original Research Article
Analysis of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) Value Chain in Kebbi State, Nigeria
Norbert, S.* |
Kaka, Y. |
Gona, A. |
Article Number: DRJAFS99151604
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26765/DRJAFS99151604
ISSN: 2354-4147
Vol. 11(8), Pp. 217-223, August 2023
Copyright © 2023
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.
The study analyzed Tomato value chain in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected using well-structured questionnaires. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to collect data from 225 respondents for the study. The data collected were analyzed using Descriptive statistics, Net Farm Income, and Gross Margin Analysis. Results from the study revealed that input suppliers, producers, middlemen, traders, processors and consumers are the major actors in tomato value chain. In terms of profitability of the various actors, the study revealed that the actors realized a profit of N1, 630, N271, 821, N2, 190 and N1, 475 for input suppliers, farmers, wholesalers and retailers, respectively. The study further revealed that the marketing efficiency for seedling producers is N1.28, tomato farmers is N1.11, wholesalers is N0.22 and retailers is N0.12, implying that for every N1.00 invested N1.28 kobo for seedling producers, N1.11 kobo for tomato farmers, N0.22 kobo for wholesalers and N0.12 kobo for retailers was realized. These suggest that tomato value chain businesses are both profitable and viable. The constraints faced by the tomato value chain actors include; lack of storage facilities, perishability nature of the product, pest and diseases, lack of processing industries in the state, high cost of inputs, financial challenges, poor road network, price fluctuation and insecurity among others. It was recommended that, farmers should form cooperatives for better marketing and to also attract attention from government while government should provide incentives in the form of storage facilities and credit at low interest rate to value chain actors in order to boost their profit and also formulate and implement policies that are favourable and attractive to investors in the State.
Keywords: Tomato, cost and returns, profit, value chainReceived: July 28, 2023 Accepted: August 10, 2023 Published: August 18, 2023