Instructions to authors


Direct Research Journal of Engineering and Information Technology ISSN: 2354-4155 is a multidisciplinary and international journal that publishes original research, comprehensive review articles, short reports, and commentaries in the field of Engineering and Information Technology. The journal strives to provide a forum for Authors, as well as other researchers to share their findings on all aspects of Engineering and Information Technology and to disseminate innovative, relevant, and useful information on Engineering and Information Technology throughout the world.

Type of Articles

The journal will publish original research, review articles, short reports, and commentaries. A cover page should accompany each manuscript and should include:
1. the title and sub-title (running title — no more than 5 words);
2. the name(s) of the author(s);
3. the affiliation(s) of the author(s);
4. Abstract;
5. three to six Keywords for indexing and retrieval purposes; and
6. Corresponding author’s email address and telephone number.

Original Research – The journal welcomes articles reporting on original research, including both quantitative and qualitative studies. Full-length articles should generally not exceed 35 typewritten, double-spaced pages, excluding tables, figures, and references. The subject matter should be organized under appropriate headings and sub-headings such as: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Acknowledgements.

Review Articles – Comprehensive review articles on all aspects of Agricultural and Food Science will also be considered for publication in the journal. Reviews should provide a thorough overview of the topic and should incorporate the most current research. The length of review articles and the organizational headings and sub-headings used are at the author’s discretion.

Short Reports – Brief descriptions of preliminary research findings or interesting case studies will be considered for publication as short reports. The length and organization of short reports are left to the author’s discretion.

Commentaries – Commentaries or editorials on any aspect of Agricultural and Food Science will be considered for publication in the journal. Opinion pieces need not reference previous research, but rather reflect the opinions of the author(s).

Submission of Manuscripts

All manuscripts should be in their final form when submitted and must be submitted online using the journal submission page available at Authors who submit their manuscripts via email will be required to submit online so that they can track the status of their manuscripts from time to time. The comment to the Editor in the online manuscript submission form should include a certification that the article has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

The journal publishes manuscripts written only in the English Language.

Uniform Requirements

Abstract – Articles and short reports should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words. The abstract should provide a concise description of the objectives of the study, methods used, and major findings or conclusions.

Body – The body of manuscripts reporting on original research should be organized under appropriate headings and sub-headings such as Introduction, Methods, Findings, and Discussion. Authors of review articles and short reports are requested to organize the body of their manuscripts using headings and sub-headings appropriate to the material and discipline represented.

Tables and Figures – All tables and figures should be submitted on separate sheets of paper and should be clearly labeled. Coloured tables and figures may be reprinted in black and white. Authors should especially take care that all tables are clear and understandable by themselves, independent of the text. A reader should be able to read only the tables and easily grasp all information without the text.

Acknowledgements – Acknowledgements should be included in the manuscript and should not exceed 100 words. Funding sources should be noted here.

References – References should be numbered in the order in which they occur in the text. These numbers should be inserted above the line on each occasion a reference is cited (e.g., …as noted in other studies.1-4). Numbered references should appear at the end of the article and should include the names and initials of all authors.


Journal articles:

Onwuka, M. I., Okereke, J. C., & Fashola, M. S. (2019). Cow Dung Forms and their Effect on Microbial Community of Degraded Ultisols of some Smallholder Women Farmers’ Fields in the Rainforest Zone of Nigeria. Direct research journal of agriculture and food science, Vol. 7(6), 110–116.


Awan, J.A. (2002). Food processing and preservation. 1st Ed. Unitech Communications; Faisalabad (Pakistan). P. 135

Theses or reports

Qaisrani, T.B. (1998). Use of artificial sweeteners in Know drink. M.Sc. thesis (unpublished). Deptt. of Food Tech., Univ. Agri., Faisalabad.

Anonymous. (2002). Economic Survey, Economic Affairs Division, Govt. Pakistan., Islamabad.


Ahmad, M.T. and M.A. Khan (2003). Proc. Pak. Assoc. Sci., 12:59.

Author(s) Guarantee Form

All authors will be asked to complete and submit an author(s) guarantee form certifying that all authors named appearing in the manuscript have contributed sufficiently to the work submitted and that the content of the manuscript has neither been previously published nor being considered for publication elsewhere.

Copyright © 2025 Direct Research Journal of Engineering and Information Technology