Communication and Participation of Stakeholders in the Management of Education in Nigeria
Article Number: DRJEVS15190287
ISSN: 2734-2174
Vol. 5(5) Pp. 26-34, August 2023
Copyright © 2023
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.
The study examined the relationship between communication and participation of stakeholders in educational management in Nigeria. The conceptual framework and stakeholders’ Theory of Freeman Edward was discussed as well as evolution of stakeholders’ participation in school management. The paper outlined the levels of stakeholders’ participation and the roles of various stakeholders such as the governments, school administrators, teachers, students, parent among others. The discussed the process of communication process and types of communication in educational organization which include: oral, upward communication, lateral, diagonal, one-way, written among others. The outlined the roles of communication in enhancing stakeholder participation and some communication barriers in educational management such as noise, misinterpretation, use of inappropriate, communication channel, wrong timing. The paper suggested the way forward as follows: Government should provide communication gadget the will facilitate network of effective communication and also organize seminars and workshops on the importance of communication in the school system, the school manager should create an understanding environment between various stakeholders in the school system where they can freely access the school for effective communication and cordial relationship among themselves.
Keywords: Communication, education stakeholders, participation, school managementReceived: July 3, 2023 Accepted: August 1, 2023 Published: August 11, 2023