Original Research Article
Index Model Approach of Heavy Metals Pollution Assessment in Soil Quality of some Selected Solid Waste Dumpsites in Warri and Environs, Delta State, Nigeria
Article Number: DRJPHET871635105
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26765/DRJPHET871635105
ISSN: 2734-2182
Vol. 7(1), Pp. 1-8, January 2022
Copyright © 2022
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
The present study aims to evaluate the potential ecological risk (PERI), pollution load index (PLI) and Geo-Accumulation Index (Igeo) of soil pollution by heavy metal around the solid waste dumpsites in Warri and Environs. The concentrations of Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr Zn, Cd, Fe and Mn were monitored using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Unican 929) for 12 months in the selected dumpsites. The spatial variation of Pb, Ni, Cr and Zn showed no significant difference across the sampling location when subjected to one-way ANOVA while evaluation of PLI reviled a value of less than one in all the sample location which indicates no pollution. PERI was evaluated with a value of ER < 30 across the sampling locations which indicates slight pollution and Igeo result showed that the soil at all the study areas are practically uncontaminated by heavy metal. The concentrations of heavy metals in the soil within the vicinities of the dumpsites were within the DPR (2002) stipulated levels. These findings suggested some managerial strategies to avoid escalation of soil contamination by heavy metal at the selected dumpsite and other similar areas elsewhere.
Keywords: Dumpsite, Heavy metal, Soil, Warri and Environs, Waste managementReceived: January 5, 2022 Accepted: January 18, 2022 Published: January 20, 2022