Direct Research Journal of Social Science and Educational Studies (DRJSSES).


Founding Editor

Dr. John Paul Kasujja
Head, Department of Humanities and Secondary Education
Faculty of Education,
Uganda Martyrs University,
Kampala, Uganda.


Direct Research Journal of Social Science and Educational Studies (DRJSSES) (ISSN: 2449-0806) is an international peer-reviewed and open-access journal that is now accepting manuscripts for publication. Manuscripts will be published immediately as the final galley proof if approved by the journal Editor. The journal is being published by Direct Research Journals Publisher via our website,
Manuscripts should be submitted online to the Editorial Office at or by email to


The Journal is indexed in:


A database of Scientific Literature



DRJSSES encompasses all areas of Social Sciences and Educational Studies such as:
Accounting I (Audit/Financial/Tax/ AIS)

Accounting II (Cost/Managerial)

Advertisement and Sales Management


Business and Managerial Finance

Business Ethics

Business Law

Business Research Methods

Change Management

Consumer Behaviour

Corporate Social Responsibility



Economics I (Macro/ Micro theory)

Economics II (Applied and Empirical Research)


Finance I (Financial Market, Derivatives, Investments)

Finance II (Financial Institutions, Corporate Finance)

Human Resource Management

Information Technology

Innovative Teaching I (Curriculum Design, Electronic Resources)

International and Global Business/Economics

International Business

Islamic Banking

Knowledge Management


Logistics and Transportation

Managing Online Businesses

Marketing Communications

Marketing/ e-Marketing

Online Marketing

Organizational Behavior and Theory

Performance Management

Personal Selling and Public Relations

Portfolio Management

Production and Operations Management

Project Management

Public Administration

Public Policy in Business / Business Strategy

Quantitative Methods and Management Science

Recent Trends in Business & Management

Service Marketing

Stock Exchange

Strategic Management

Supply Chain Management and Quality control

Total Quality Management

Trade and Investment
Types of paper

Regular Articles: These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient details for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.

Short Communications: A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of the main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.

Reviews: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and no longer than 4-6 printed pages (about 12 to 18 manuscript pages). Review manuscripts are also peer-reviewed.
Direct Research Journals (DRJSSES) is also inviting interested researchers to fill the editorial board of the journals.

Kindly note that this position is voluntary and that there no financial benefit.


Direct Research Journal of Social Science and Educational Studies


Vol.3 (2), August 2016

Publication Charge: The publication fee for the journal is 55000 naira for Nigeria authors, while other countries is 655USD: Contact the editorial office by email: for partial waiver

Copyright © 2025 Direct Research Journal of Social Science and Educational Studies