Articles on Google by:
Anaeto, F. C.*
Asiabaka, C. C.
Ani, A. O.
Nnadi, F. N.
Ugwoke F. O.
Asiabaka I. P.
Anaeto, C. A.
Ihekeronye N.
Original Research Article
The roles of science and technology in national development
Article Number: DRJA11037722
ISSN: 2449-0806
Vol.3 (3), pp. 38-43, December 2016
Copyright © 2016
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
Science and Technology hold the key to the progress and development of any nation. Technology plays a Fundamental role in wealth creation, improvement of the quality of life and real economic growth and transformation in any society. It is on recognition of the above that this paper examines the concept of technology emphasizing the relationship between Science and technology, the key role of science and technology in societal Development as well as the role/importance of science and technology in National Development. The paper went further to critically identify and examine the roles of science and technology in different Segments of life such as poverty alleviation, Health, Agriculture, affordable energy, water supply, environmental management, economic growth, rural development and Education. The paper thus observes that the gap between rich and poor countries can largely be attributed to the differences in Technology and the difficulty in their Application. It recommends policy options for reaping benefits from science and technology in Nigeria which include among others that the educational system shall emphasize science at all levels and re-orient the entire society towards scientific thinking in order to develop new technologies and adapt existing ones to improve the societal well being. Finally, considering the roles of science and technology in national development, it is imperative to stimulate demand for technology from both private and public sectors.
Key Word: Science, Technology, Roles, National Development, Policy optionsReceived: October 3, 2016 Accepted: November 28, 2016 Published: December 15, 2016