Original Research Article
Effect of stocking on the growth and survival of Clarias gariepinus grown in plastic tanks
Article Number: DRJA160835880
ISSN: 2734-2166
Vol. 2 (3), pp. 82-92, April 2017
Copyright © 2017
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
The experiments were conducted in tanks to determine the effect of increased stocking density on the growth and survival of catfish Clarias gariepinus. A two month experiment was therefore conducted from September 10 to December 4, 2012. Three different stocking densities 10, 20 and 30 fingerlings/tank (70 L round plastic troughs) with mean weight of 3.7±0.2 g were assigned treatment I, II and III respectively. The fish were fed 4% coppens (with proximate analysis of 42% crude protein, 13% crude fat, 1.9% crude fibre. 1.1% phosphorus, 33.6% nitrogen free extract and 9.5% ash). The survival, mean body weight, mean length and specific growth rate were stocking density dependent. The result of the density experiment showed significantly (pË‚0.05) highest growth and survival rate in treatment I (10 fish/aquaria). While significantly lowest growth and survival was recorded in treatment III (30 fingerlings/aquaria). Although the result obtained indicated that the stocking density applied do not have an impact on fingerlings growth or survival in the first week of rearing. The water quality parameters and their weekly fluctuation recorded throughout the study period were found within suitable range for fish culture. The result of this study showed that fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus can produce at each of the three stocking densities, but the stocking density of 10fingerlings/aquaria appears to be optimum as long there is good water quality and adequate feeding since the aim of growing at different stocking density is to achieve the best growth for profit maximization to the farmer.
Key word: Clarias gariepinus, stocking density, growth performanceReceived: February 7, 2017 Accepted: March 24, 2017 Published: March 28, 2017