Articles on Google by:
U. I. Ibrahim1*B. U. Shamaki2
J. R. Lawal1
H. A. Grema1
A. Ibrahim1
Y. B. Majama3
S. J. Badau4
C. D. Kushi1
Original Research Article
Demographic distribution of fish farmers in Maiduguri, North-Eastern Nigeria
U. I. Ibrahim1* |
B. U. Shamaki2 |
J. R. Lawal1 |
H. A. Grema1 |
A. Ibrahim1 |
Y. B. Majama3 |
S. J. Badau4 |
C. D. Kushi1 |
Article Number: DRJA17087285
ISSN: 2354-4147
Vol.4 (1), pp. 1-4, January 2016
Copyright © 2016
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
A survey of the demographic distribution of fish farmers was carried out in Maiduguri metropolitan using open ended questionnaire. Random sampling of fish farms was carried out and results analysed using simple percentages. A total of one hundred (100) copies of a structured questionnaire were administered to fish farmers who had once harvested fish from their ponds/farm. Ninety one (91) copies of the questionnaire were retrieved. Results from the study showed that married couples have higher (58%) participation in fish farming as compared to singles (37%), divorcees (2%), and widows (3%). The results further showed that there were more young adults (75%) participating in fish farming activities than elderly (33%) and teenagers (2%). Nineteen percent (19%) of the fish farms were located in the Government Reserved Area (GRA) of Maiduguri town as compared to other locations within the metropolis. While majority (71%) of the fish farmers had education at tertiary level, others had lower levels of education. Most of the farmers (46%) are serving civil servants while only (15%) practice fish farming as a full time business. The survey suggests that fish farming in Maiduguri is thriving especially among young ages and the average income earners to complement their family income.
Key words: Demographic distribution, fish farmers, freshwater fish, North-Eastern Nigeria.Received: December 8, 2015 Accepted: January 20, 2016 Published: January 24, 2016