Original Research Article
Effect of Electoral Malpractices on Sustainable Democracy and National Security in Nigeria
Article Number: DRJA3136095027
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26765/DRJSSES.2018.5027
ISSN: 2449-0806
Vol.5 (4), pp. 34-42, October 2018
Copyright © 2018
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
This study examines the effect of electoral malpractices on sustainable democracy in Nigeria. This paper utilized the case study research design and qualitative method of data collection was employed. The study reveals that, ethnicity and sentiments have remained the major platform of the election campaigning in Nigeria and this scenario is affecting the nation’s democracy. Findings from the study show that, electoral fraud is the single most potent threat to democratic transition in Nigeria. Rigging is perpetrated by all political parties relative to their strength. However, it is the party with “incumbency factor” that can rig to make the differences between winning and losing an election. Incumbency, particularly at the Federal level guarantees access to and control over election materials and the electoral commission and security agencies are at mercy of the government in power. This has undermines the nation’s democracy in recent years. The finding of this study further reveals that, election rigging has led to the electoral violence and it has resulted to the loss of lives and properties. The paper recommends that, an unbiased, yet a natural source electoral reforms laws and regulations based on equal opportunities. There should be a reform that will break the electoral body dependence on government by empowering the body to recruit its own staffs and give it authority over its finances.
Keyword: Electoral malpractices, sustainability, democracy, election rigging, violenceReceived: September 2, 2018 Accepted: October 28, 2018 Published: October 1, 2018