Original Research Article
Socio-economic determinants of gender inequality in higher education in rural areas in Rwanda
Article Number: DRJA17085210
ISSN: 2449-0806
Vol.2 (5), pp. 69-76, October 2016
Copyright © 2016
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
This study examined socio-economic determinants of gender inequality in higher education in rural areas in Rwanda. The objectives of the study were to analyze the socio-economic factors of gender inequality in higher education in rural areas in Rwanda; to determine the effects of low level of women education on their livelihoods in rural areas in Rwanda. Self-administered questionnaires, interview, Focus Group Discussion, observation and documentation review were used as the main methods of data collection.The researcher considered 497 respondents among them teachers and head teachers in primary and secondary schools, students in secondary schools and parents.The study revealed that the main socio-economic determinants of gender inequality in higher education in Rwanda are:poverty, early marriage, culture, education level of parents, domestic and agricultural labour responsibilities, pregnancies and aspirations for children. In addition, the study revealed that gender inequality in higher education has negative effects on the socio-economic welfare of rural households in Rwanda which include: obstacle to improving health, exclusion of women from economic and political opportunities, obstacle to good health and nutrition, effect on childrens education and high birth rates.
Key words: Gender, gender equality, gender inequality, education, higher education.Received: September 9, 2015 Accepted: September 22, 2015 Published: October 6, 2015