Original Research Article
State Formation and National Security in North East Africa: A Case Study of Sudan
Article Number: DRJSSES36680065
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26765/DRJSSES36680065
ISSN: 2449-0806
Vol. 8, Pp. 40-54, 2021
Copyright © 2021
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
The purpose of this study was to look into State Formation and National Security in Africa: A Case Study of Sudan. The study assumed that, despite the fact that Sudan has institutions built through the process of State formation to protect the State of Sudan; its national security is continuously threatened. Sudan has only had peace for a decade since its independence in January 1956, and it has already lost one-third of its territory. Sudan’s national institutions have failed to deal with local disputes, which have widened again, and international institutions have either perpetuated the interests of aliens, as faced during State formation, or have exacerbated societal, environmental, and political threats through policies based on assistance provided. The respondents who took part recommended that constitutions be created as a result of citizen participation to specify the functions of institutions that protect national security; there should be national identity through national language and unity, involvement and equality in resource distribution, and equality before the law.
Keywords: State formation, national security, North East Africa and SudanReceived: September 17, 2021 Accepted: October 27, 2021 Published: November 12, 2021