Isolation of a phenolic compound from anti-snake venom methanolic leaves extract of Hibiscus radiatus Isolation of a phenolic compound from anti-snake venom methanolic leaves extract of Hibiscus radiatus – Direct Research Journal of Biology and Biotechnology
Original Research Article

Isolation of a phenolic compound from anti-snake venom methanolic leaves extract of Hibiscus radiatus

Enemali Shaibu Isaac*

Okwute Simon Koma

Article Number: DRJBB83105598
ISSN: 2734-2158

Vol. 7, Pp. 9-15, 2021

Copyright © 2021

Author(s) retain the copyright of this article


Hibiscus radiatus (Malvaceae) is reputed for the treatment of snake bite victims for decades among the Auta tribe in Wamba, Nigeria where it is known as Ogunobiokolo. Traditional healers and the Fulani nomads in northern Nigeria use Hibiscus radiates leaves for the treatment of swellings, wounds, and infections associated with snake bites. Quantitative phytochemical screening of the crude methanol extract of the leaves revealed the presence of alkaloids (7.41%), carbohydrates (10.14%), phenolics (45.09%), saponins (8.36%), mucilages (9.12%), tannins (12.35%), terpenoids (3.19%) and proteins (2.63%). Chromatographic purification of the methanolic extract yielded a compound that was certified to be purely based on TLC and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses and a sharp melting point of 25.54ºC. Based on spectral analyses, including IR, MS, and NMR, the compound has been tentatively assigned to be acetaminophen which has never been known as a natural product or a structurally related and rare natural product, piceol. Further work is required to eliminate all shades of doubt concerning the actual structure of the isolate, but either of the two proposed compounds is known to possess some medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory activity. Their presence in the extract of the leaves of Hibiscus radiates may account for the observed anti-snake venom activity.

Keywords: Hibiscus radiatus, leaves, anti-snake venom, isolation, phenolic compound
 Received: March 16, 2021  Accepted: April 19, 2021  Published: April 23, 2021

Copyright © 2025 Direct Research Journal of Biology and Biotechnology

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