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Ikpesu, J. E.*
Sunny, E. Iyuke
Daramola, M.
Okewale, A. O.
Farouq, A. U.
Ali, Peace
Azubuike, C. U.
Birma, Godwin
Olakpa, Oghenemarho
Alaukwu, C. J.
Issa, B.R.
Original Research Article
Assessment of bottled water potability in Effurun, Delta State
Article Number: DRJPHET278190543
ISSN: 2734-2182
Vol. 6, pp. 34-44, 2021
Copyright © 2021
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
This study was carried out to access the Physico-chemical and microbiological quality of three brands of bottled water (A, B, and C), by comparing the compliance of each brand with W.H.O standards. A total of 15 parameters were analyzed: the pH, conductivity, temperature, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, turbidity, chloride, sulphate, biochemical oxygen demand, total coliform, sodium, iron, lead, and cadmium, using the standard method at Dukoria laboratory. The results obtained for sample A, B and C were; Ph (6.20-7.28), Conductivity(65.67-102.57µs/cm), temperature (27.9-28.70c),Total Dissolved solids (36.78-57.40mg/l), Total suspended solids (0.00-0.50mg/l), Turbidity (0.00-1.00mg/l), Chloride (11.40-18.50mg/l), Sulphate (0.04-0.06mg/l), Dissolved oxygen (4.71-5.81mg/l), Biology Oxygen Demand (0.50-0.92mg/l), Total coliform (<0.031),respectively, Sodium (6.50-9.60mg/l), Iron (<0.001mg/l – 0.006mg/l), Lead (<0.001mg/l) respectively and Cadmium(<0.001mg/l) respectively. From the 15 parameters analyzed, all the samples were in line with the permissible limits except for the pH of brands A and C having 6.45 and 6.20 respectively. The coliform bacteriological count of the samples complied with WHO standard 0cfu/100ml making the water potable for drinking. The concentration of heavy metals in all sample complies with the W.H.O standard, making the water safe for drinking. Proper treatment should be embarked on so as to improve water quality and suitability for human consumption.
Keywords: Potable bottled water, quality, WarriReceived: February 15, 2021 Accepted: May 20, 2021 Published: May 31, 2021