Original Research Article
Dietary Variability and Risk of Getting Cancer among Populations in Ilala District, Tanzania
Article Number: DRJPHET261975380
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26765/DRJPHET261975380
ISSN: 2734-2182
Vol. 8(6), Pp. 92-100, July 2023
Copyright © 2023
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
A cross-sectional study was conducted in Ilala district, Tanzania to examine the daily food intake and overall diet of the people, with the aim of determining if there is any correlation between food intake and cancer. The study involved the distribution of questionnaires to 195 students in secondary school that has both day and boarding students in the study area. Questionnaires were designed to collect information about the students’ food intake and dietary habits. Data on four type of food: Cereals, Meat and poultry, Fruits and Vegetables were taken to determine the quantity of food taken by the students which enable researcher to determine the amount of micronutrient consumes by the students. Data from the study were analysis using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 2010 and results presented in tables. The study reveals that, cereals, meat, poultry and fish, fruits and vegetables are the consumed food groups where by cereals is highly consumed food group(126(64.6%). The micronutrient composition analysis reveal that the students deficient in Fe, Mg and Zn when compared the standard requirement of these micronutrients. The study recommends eating a well-balanced diet to ensure adequate micronutrient intake.
Keywords: Eating habits, micronutrients, cancerReceived: May 27, 2023 Accepted: June 24, 2023 Published: July 10, 2023