Boy Child Education in Primary Schools for Sustainable Democracy, Peace and Unity in Nigeria
Article Number: DRJSSES3810947586
ISSN: 2449-0806
Vol. 10(4), Pp. 36-40, June 2022
Copyright © 2022
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
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Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.
Education is the key to sustainable development and in this era no one can do without it irrespective of one’s biological affiliation. The federal government launched boy-child education to tackle the high rate of male dropout from schools in the southeast and other parts of the country. This programme is aimed at ensuring the enrolment of about 9.5 million pupils in schools. It is estimated that about 10 million Nigerian children of primary school age are out of school because of some challenges. These include: lack of political commitment, poor planning and management as well as blind curriculum. All these are the clog in the wheel of boy-child education in Nigeria. Sequel to this, Nigeria embarked on Universal Basic Education in a bid to meet the millennium development goal of education for all 2015- target, including the boy-child education. Hence, this paper focuses on boy-child education in primary schools for sustainable democracy, peace and unity in Nigeria. It was concluded that boy-child education should be encouraged at all levels of Nigerian educational system. The paper recommended that the government should promulgate laws making boy-child education compulsory in Nigeria.
Education, boy child education, sustainable democracy and developmentReceived: April 7, 2022 Accepted: May 20, 2022 Published: June 8, 2022